CatholicVote Education
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Podcasting since 2021 • 95 episodes
CatholicVote Education
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You can (and should) read difficult books
EP094: Marcie Stokman & Colleen HuttDo people still need books? Life is busy and all the information we could want is just a click or scroll away. Marcie Stokman and Colleen Hutt of Well-Read ...

God gave me a second chance
EP093: Sara HuffSara Huff was a celebrity leading Brazil’s feminist revolution – persecuting the Church, decrying the pro-life movement – but she didn’t realize the exploitative darkness she was defending. <...

A New Conservatism?
EP092: Ross DouthatIs there a new kind of conservatism? With Trump on the brink of his second term, America is about to experience a great reckoning – but what will it look like?New York Times columnis...